Monday, March 25, 2019

MY hole weekend

ON the weekend me and my mum went to McDonald and then we went and get my cousin. Then we went to a play place in Keri Keri so when we got there me and my older cousins tiara we went on the swing and my other cousins went to play with all of the thing there were swings,chraps,balls to get in and so when we were finish my  gave me and my cousin some money and so my mum and my aunt and my other cousins went home ad me and my cousin tiara went to McDonald and got a ice cream and then we went park and we just talk about funny and cool things and then we back to her hoese and got our bikes and went to the skat park and we like going on to the big ramp then wen we finshed that we went back home and my mum asked if my older cuzin could stay and so her mum seid yes so we wentgot home we just went so sleep.

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