Monday, May 13, 2019

mothers day

                            I those this because it was the fined thing that i did this week                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Mothers day

On mothers day.In the  morning i got up and made my mum a card for her then i went and gave it to her then i asked her what she would like to eat and drink and all she wanted was just a coffee so i made her one. When i went for a shower then after that we all went to McDonalds to get some food then we toke my mum to the warehouse to let her somethings that she wanted.                                Then we went home to gorp of my brother and my dad at home then me and my mum went to go and get my papa and my aunt from the air port then we went to go and get some food because we wanted there for 9 hours then we just went home .

1 comment:

  1. What a massive day! Your mum is a lucky lady, it sounds like she got very spoilt for Mother's Day. :) My kids (and their dad) made me breakfast in bed too :)
    It is great to see you write so much today. Maybe next time though, you could try putting a full stop in place of 'and then'. Then you could add in some describing words (adjectives) to help give more detail.
